Il team Educativo
Asilo Nido Vicenza
Le risorse umane e la loro gestione ricoprono un ruolo centrale nell'Asilo Nido Bilingue Bio Pappamondo. Tutte le educatrici sono in possesso di idoneo titolo di studio (diploma o laurea in discipline socio-psico-pedagogiche) e sono state accuratamente selezionate. In aggiunta il personale ha frequentato corsi sulla sicurezza e sul pronto soccorso in ossequio alle leggi vigenti.
Sara: She graduated as a Social Services technician, has 11 years of experience and holds the role of Educator. She is the animator of Summer Centers and often plays the guitar for our children!
Alice: University Degree in Education and Training Sciences She has two years' experience and has worked in nurseries and preschools in Vicenza.
Valentina: She graduated from a socio-psycho-pedagogical school. She holds a university degree in training and education sciences. She has an experience of about five years as an educator.
Irene: She graduated with the qualification of Cook at the Hotel School (Vicenza) and has 7 years of experience in the catering sector. She is the one who prepares the baby food!
Laura: She graduated from a socio-psycho-pedagogical school. She has an experience of about three years as an educator.
Martina: Graduated at University in Education and Training Sciences and in Human and Pedagogical Sciences. He has 4 years of experience and has worked in infant-toddler centers and preschools.
© 2014 Asilo Nido Bilingue Biopappamondo Via M. Polo 29 Vicenza - 0444 960274 - info@biopappamondo.it