Living the Child Care center
Insertion: Children must have the opportunity to gradually get used to the life of the nursery and to be accompanied on this path by Educators able to quickly establish a relationship of trust. The insertion, therefore, is always preceded by an interview pre-insertion during which parents begin to express their fears, wondering if the nursery is the "right" place for their child, if it will find people capable of taking care of him adequately and if he will be able to live it peacefully. With the interview begins a path of mutual knowledge, aimed at building an initial relationship of trust between adults who - together - will accompany the child's growth. The basic expectation of the parent lies in being able to find a space "designed" specifically for the child and, precisely for this reason, it is very important that during the initial interview they are able to explain the habits, rhythms and schedules of their child . The task of the educator and coordinator, on the other hand, is to listen carefully to the parent, to give useful information on the insertion, on the timetables and the times of the nursery. The first interview is therefore a precious opportunity to get to know each other, build a relationship of trust and mutual collaboration between Nursery and Parents The moment of insertion is a very delicate phase for both the Child and the Parent as it determines the exit of both of them from the family environment and the entry into a new world, made up of social experiences, encounters, new spaces, affections and people different from the usual ones. All aspects - these - that will influence the development of the child's relationships. For the insertion of the child in the nursery, the presence of a parent within the structure is essential, in order to allow him to face this new experience and the separation from the family in the most gradual and serene way possible. You will therefore be required to be willing to spend this moment with your child for a variable period of one or two weeks. During the first days of insertion, the child will stay in the nursery for a few hours, which will gradually increase day by day in absolute respect of his times. At the end of the insertion, the definitive time of attendance will be agreed with the educator, respecting the needs of the parents and those emerging of the child. It is requested that this time be respected, to allow the child to maintain a good balance between the experience at the nursery and the family one. Experiencing the insertion in the nursery first hand will constitute the fundamental basis for a relationship of mutual collaboration, which will be consolidated over time through daily moments of "confrontation" with the educators.
The educator will thus be able to respond adequately to the needs of your child and you will have acquired the confidence to face the separation. Top The organization of the day All the activities of the day are recorded in a nice notebook (click here to view an example) that parents can take home and consult to be informed about the day's games, bedtime, baby food, etc. ... The Nursery is open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 18.30. The timetables have been designed with the aim of ensuring maximum comfort for parents while ensuring maximum flexibility in the use of the service. Children are divided into homogeneous groups for age groups. The scheme below is a rough one as, especially for the little ones, their needs and their sleep / wake rhythms prevail. 7.30 - 9 Welcome 9 - 9.45 Snack. Change of diapers and toilet. 9.45 - 11 Didactic activities and toilets. 11 - 12 Lunch (divided into large and small), change of diapers and toilet 12 - 12.30 Greetings for those who leave at 12-12.30 12.30 - 14.30 Nanna 14.30 - 14.45 Change of diapers and toilet. 14.45 - 18.30 Snack, reading a story, theater, outdoor games, greeting.